Bare Knuckle Ceramic Warpig 6-String Humbucker Set – Black Matte w/Black Bolts

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Bare Knuckle Ceramic Warpig 6-String Humbucker Set – Black Matte w/Black Bolts



Brutality with clarity: The Ceramic Warpig is an extremely high output humbucker with a raw, guttural tone and smooth high-end.

This set is 53mm (trem spaced), has 4 conductor wiring, short legs, and mag flip option for the neck for pairing inner or outer coils while splitting.

1 in stock

SKU: BKP-WP6S-C-MBLK-BLKB Categories: , ,


Bare Knuckle Warpig Ceramic 6-String Humbucker Set – Black Matte with twin rows of Black Bolts.

This set is 53mm (trem spaced), has 4 condctor wiring, short legs, and mag flip option for the neck for pairing inner or outer coils while splitting.

We polled the entire community of players looking for the most massive and brutal sounding pickup set*.  With 92% of precincts reporting, I am ready to call the Warpig the absolute winner.  Thick low-mid focused body and a rolled off highs that can tame even the brightest most brittle sounding guitar.  And somehow the ceramic Warpig is still incapable of being muddy or inarticulate, even in downtuned instruments that are naturally darker sounding.  There are few pickups that can match the power and full sound of the Warpig, and none of them can do it without sounding or feeling super compressed.  The Warpig avoids the ultra modern congested cloudiness that plagues its peers.  The neck pickup offers and alnico V magnet and is capable of some of the smoothest liquidy leads sounds out there.  because the set has so much output, these pickups sound and feel great in parallel or coil tapping modes and still provide plenty of output.

Brutality with clarity: The Warpig is an extremely high output humbucker with a raw, guttural tone and smooth high-end available in two formats to fine-tune the response.

The Warpig humbucker was originally conceived as an all-out extreme metal humbucker capable of seriously dark and saturated tones. However it soon found uses as diverse as jazz and fusion establishing itself as a major player in the Bare Knuckle range.

The twin screw coil design produces an even and controlled treble response, working well with intense levels of gain. Bass and mid-range response is monstrous and the different magnet options allow for the tone to be further refined to taste.

The default Alnico V magnet creates the smoothest high-end with a totally organic mid range grind and deep bottom-end. For players looking for even more output, the ceramic magnet option delivers faster bass reaction, smoother mids and a sharper cut in the highs.


*We definitely didn’t do that.