EVH 5150 III 50w EL34 Tube Amplifier Head – Black

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EVH 5150 III 50w EL34 Tube Amplifier Head – Black



1 in stock

SKU: 2253060000 Categories: , ,


Experience classic EL34 tone —the sound that helped power Eddie Van Halen’s ground-breaking work on his earliest Van Halen albums—and lethal looks in the ferocious new EVH 5150III®S EL34 Head.

The EL34 power tubes deliver smoother contours, and greater sag and saturation that evoke a more modern “British” sound, all with more sustain and versatility than ever before.

Channel one boasts an even finer clear-and-compressed clean tone, while channels two and three now possess even more compression and saturation. Other features include a rear-panel Resonance control section that tailors low-frequency response for each channel and a bias testing and adjustment port that allows you to fine-tune the tubes with more ease than ever. Wrapped in an elegant gold and black EVH motif, the 5150III®S EL34 Head allows you to experience classic EVH EL34 tone.

Additional information

Weight55 lbs
Dimensions16 × 33 × 16 in

Brand New




5150 III 50W Head


Axe Palace
